Anh yêu em

in the boundless sea, love flows deep, unconditional, vast, a promise to keep. no shore too distant, no depth too steep, in the heart's ocean, where such treasures our garden of devotion, where love freely grows within, unconditional, blooming, a perfectly chosen rose. through storms and seasons, it faithfully shows, the beauty of a heart, where true love flows is youupon our stars shall we hold hands and face everything together no matter poverty, rich, sickness, and health togetherfated, lets run through the garden of daisies and live through our timeless devotion of everlasting last for both of us

The moon is here | Underneath us | Soapbars

...aloes aloes !... ● 1:43am
은방울 (Lily of The Valley)
darling (likes) - seedless strawberries are delicious but i much prefer to chew on strawberries with their seeds.
please (likes) - aloes aloes, lavender, lilies of the valley, chocolate cosmos, juliet roses, epiphhyllum oxypetalum, hibiscus arnottianus immaculatus, night blooming cereuses are all types of flowers that i like!
love (likes) - the rain is something thats much relaxing to be underneath or be near by. to walk underneath the rain with a umbrella, hand in hand with a few folks of friends is a delight experience.
me (fun facts) - medstaff is a comfort ship of mine, I tend to draw alot of it! fun-fact, this caard is matching with my dearest husband (c) which of, thats exclusively related to medstaff.
I (fun facts) - i love dreaming, its a delightful sighting away from reality. reality often gets mixed up with my dreams, be aware of my forgetfulness..
adore (likes) - im a artist! i love doodling, and drawing a bunch. i dont like coloring since i take a LONG time to do so but its a wonderful result when finished.
you (fun facts) - i'm a vine-staff, skateboard, sword, and boombox main in that orderly fashion!
where (fun facts) - sometimes i get called medkit which is quite funny at times seeing as i express myself as vinestaff. my way of playing vine sometimes and how i act is the main factor why! (vietstaff).
I'll (likes) - mangosteens, mangos, strawberries, blueberries, bananas, particularly any type of fruits.. i would eat them all! expect coconuts. besides that! they're all delicious~
hold (fun facts) - don't trust me with plants. i might kin and relate to vine-staff deeply in different ways and factors and love plants to admire and gaze at them.. though i would end up killing a plant accidentally. :frown:
your (likes) - winter season is one of my favorite seasons. why? because i can snuggle into bed and just lay there all cozy and warm underneath my blankets!
hands (likes) - i love collecting tiny, cute objects. such as sanrio, cotl, phighting, origami, stars, stickers, etc!
and (fun facts) - green tea is something that i love drinking, i might not be able to taste it well but its good for being awake during the daytime!
gently (fun facts) - i dearly for the life CANNOT taste 90% of things. sweets, sours, its extremely hard to taste food and enjoy it.
kiss (fun facts) - hand-written letters are fun to write in. I dont send them to anyone, its just a stupid little hobby i tend to do sometimes when im bored~
you (fun facts) - 02.01, the first day of february, is my birthday! my record of birthday wishes sent my way during one of my birthdays was 86 times!
underneath (likes) - origami is stupidly hard to do, matter of fact.. i really love origami. I have a few friends that tend to make origami pieces for me due to that~
the (likes) - jellyfishes, ocean creatures, just stupidily creatures that seem fun to poke at are just interesting to me!
moon (likes) - being underneath the moon, just gazin up at it makes me fall asleep easily. its a sight thats lovely.

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✩ ㅤ , 《8゛月゛1゛0゛日゛午゛前゛1゛1゛時゛頃゛、某゛所゛で゛、正゛当゛な゛理゛由゛な゛く゛所゛持゛し゛て゛い゛た゛銃゛を゛何゛発゛も゛発゛砲゛し゛た゛と゛し゛て、男゛女゛二゛人゛が゛現゛行゛犯゛逮゛捕゛さ゛れ゛ま゛し゛た゛ぁ゛ぁ゛ぁ゛っ!!my dearest doctor,
rain boy!
ㅤ✩ ㅤ

underneath the rain
aloe aloes - symbolizes both affection and grief, making it a thoughtful gift when you want to offer condolences to beloveds or family close ones.
lavenders - symbolizes the personifies of healing, purity of heart, faithfulness, serenity, tbat promotes tranquility and harmony. a meditation, massaging, and aromatherapy thats soothing.
lily of the valley - a spiritually signifies meaning of motherhood, humility, and virtue. the tear drop-like blossoms represent the tears that Mary cried at the crucifixion of Jesus.
chocolate cosmos - a associating of love and passion that represents love and intense emotions. a evokin feeling of desire and attraction making it a popular choice for romantic gesture and occasions with rich colors.
juliet roses - often used in weddings and other romantic occasions, another symbol of love and devotion for centuries. one of the oldest rose varieites, a hybrid tea rose developed in France in 1867.
epiphhyllum oxypetalum - the queen of the night, a climbing perennial orchid cactus. a exotic flower that represents luck, prosperity, mystery, purity, rebirth, and mystery.
hibiscus arnottianus immaculatus - also known as koki'oke'oke'o, a hwaiian flower bud used for the treatment of ea and pāʻaoʻao
violets - the creation of Artemis, a everlastin love of innocense, modesty, spiritual wisdom, faithfulness, mysticism, and remembrance.
iris - represents a divine link between heaven and earth realms, a gentle expressing of hope and trust.
daffodils - born from the Narcissus who loved himself above anyone else
anemone - spring flowers that take their name from anemoi. the blood of adonis gushes into the ground gently transforming into white to red anemones
hydrangeas - derived from greek meaning of water vessel.
rose - associated with Aphrodite, to make enteral, a first rose bloomed from the lifeless body of a beautiful nymph
alstroemeria - representation of devotion and friendship, the twists and turns in the flower that represents that trials and tribulations that happens in friendship
bellflower - also known as the venus' lookin glass, the tragedy of Narcissus falling in love with his own reflection.
adonis - yellow pheasant's eye
hyacinth - associated with the god Apollo, the representation of rebirth and the cycle of life, reflecitng on one's spiritual journey and the cycles of growth and change. linked to passionate love and devotion beyond death.
basil - good wishes and purity sent your way, of love and holiness
chrysanthemum - representing of fidelity, optimism, joy, and long life
delphinum - the meaning of ardent attachment, with the representatives of lightness, fun, and levity sprinkled on
forget me nots - good memories and true love being sent
gardenia - indicate a secret love or crush, to be sent towards a recipent as a secret message that they think youre lovely and a darling to be around
morning glory - represents the month of septermber and the 11th wedding anniversary. the signifies of affection and mortality. in chinese folklore, they represent a day for lovers to meet.
pansy - love and admiration of one person for another. the birth flower of February to be added.
lavander roses - conveying of enchantment and love at first sight, a darker shade gives off the sense of regal mjesty and splendor.